Friday 13 May 2016

Well … I think my task is done.

After 392 blogs (393 today) my writing has improved immeasurably. After my stroke I couldn’t pronounce a single word and I couldn’t write a single sentence down. Now, I have the ability to write my thoughts in a coherent way – it takes me five times longer than before, but I can do it.

So my reason for this blog has evaporated. I have other things that I can do now: cello playing; Aphasia advocacy; self-speech therapy work; walking/bike riding/tramping; photography; ….

Thanks for my loyal followers. It was a ‘blast’!

If you want to catch up on my writing, I have a ‘review’ blog now – a personal opinion of concerts and performances that I have seen.
The address is:


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Stephen is a cellist, singer, and Wellingtonian. He has been a Maths and Music teacher, accidental journalist, musical director, conductor, and composer. He worked with SOUNZ, the Centre of New Zealand Music and Te Koki – New Zealand School of Wellington at Victoria University as the Event Coordinator and as the Community Aphasia Advisor for AphasiaNZ.

4 thoughts on “Friday 13 May 2016”

  1. Thank you Stephen I have enjoyed your blog site very much. Your comments have been insightful and imaginative and fun and informative. It is absolutely tremendous that your writing skills have improved to this degree. High five to you!!!! I will miss these interesting snippets about all sorts of aspects of living in Wgtn and your inspirational quotes.
    Thank you.


  2. Hey Stephen, I will truly miss your interesting and informative Blogs. Way better than reading the newspaper. Now I have your reviews to look forward to 🙂
    Sabai sabai,


  3. Hi Stephen, I really liked your summary of the Streams under Wellington CBD. Its late notice but I just wanted to invite you to a walkover that The Sustainability Society are running this evening. We will be tracing the streams and talking about the issues of stormwater management in the city. We are meeting at the top of Woodward Street at 4:30pm.



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